Working Group 3.3: Proposed structure for Standardized Reports

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For a better organization of information, statistical analysis and future improvement of Com3 Web Inventory, FIG Com3 National delegates are kindly requested to:

  • follow the following standardized structure for their Country Reports,
  • include any available information that is given by example in the following Sections (the level of contribution to each section is optional)
  • update this information frequently

Section 1: general information- basic statistical indicators

  • Country area, population (optional)
  • Brief description about education in geoinformatics (post graduation courses-on going training in SIM)
  • The role of Surveyor in SIM
  • Internet access and its increasing rate
  • Main publications in the field (magazines, conferences)

Section 2: short description of the state of the art in NSDI -vision

  • Has the government so far reached the consensus that NSDI is necessary for sustainable Land Administration?
  • Does a working system for SD exchange at national/ local/ or experimental level already exist at your country? Is there a responsible agency/ organization?
  • What are the budgets- recoverability perspectives?
  • Is there a SIM policy (access, pricing, privacy, liability, copyright)
  • Preparatory activity (standardization of data etc)
  • Description of existing problems, barriers (i.e. lack of infrastructure, education, funds, coordination, legal framework)

Section 3: legal Framework for NSDI

  • Political support, brief description of existing legislation for the establishment of a responsible agency/ operational regulation/ strategy
  • Protection of databases, copyright, Internet services
  • Existing Legislation relevant to Spatial Data

Section 4: basic characteristics about NSDI organizations/agencies

  • Web address, Organizational plan, human resources, data providers/ users

Section 5: technical aspects of the data sharing system

  • Structure, software/hardware, data modeling, standards/technical specifications, metadata, compilation time, updating frequency, data capturing/updating methods, quality control, geodetic infrastructure-control networks, reference systems, projections-
  • Map series-scales-coverage
  • Products, value-added products/ services
  • Clearinghouses, delivery mechanisms
  • Accessibility
  • Internet (data/services)

Section 6: pricing policy-financial issues

  • Partnerships-privatization-customers
  • Price of data-services
  • Profit-self recoverability

Section 7: future plans- strategies, and research activity within the agency

Section 8: international co operation, participation to international or transnational projects

Section 9: identity data of the author, email address, references

download the Standardized National Report