Δημοσιεύσεις - Publications

Some of the research interests of the Laboratory members are shown in this page.

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Recent Publications - Πρόσφατες Δημοσιεύσεις


V.Vaze, C. Antoniou, Y.Wen and M. Ben-Akiva. Calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models with Point-to-Point Traffic Surveillance. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (in print), 2009. (abstract)


B.Ψαριανός. Ασφαλής Κυκλοφορίας και Οδήγηση στο Επαρχιακό Δίκτυο της Λευκάδας. Νομαρχία Λευκάδας, 28.3.2008.

Β.Ψαριανός. Κατευθυντήριες Οδηγίες Ρύθμισης-Αποκατάστασης της Οδικής Ασφάλειας των Ισόπεδων Κόμβων. Ημερίδα Οδικής Ασφάλειας, Τρίπολη 22.11.2008.

B.Psarianos. Road Safety Inspection (RSI). IRF Road Safety Training Programme, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4.12.2008. 

B.Psarianos. Urban Road Safety. IRF Road Safety Training Programme, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4.12.2008.

R. Balakrishna, Y. Wen, M. Ben-Akiva and C. Antoniou. Simulation-Based Framework for Transportation Network  Management for Emergencies. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Number 2041, pp. 80-88, 2008. (abstract)

Y. Tyrinopoulos and C. Antoniou. Public transit user satisfaction: Variability and policy implications. Transport Policy, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 260-272, July 2008.

R. Balakrishna, C. Antoniou, M. Ben-Akiva, H. N. Koutsopoulos and Y. Wen. Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models: Methods and Application. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Number 1999, pp. 198-207, 2008.  (abstract)

G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, and C. Antoniou. Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis. Safety Science, 46, pp. 738-750, 2008.


Β.Ψαριανός. Η Αντιμετώπιση του Τροχαίου Ατυχήματος: Σκέψεις-Συγκρίσεις-Προτάσεις. 1η Ημερίδα Οδικής Ασφάλειας: Διαχείριση Ατυχημάτων σε Οδικά Δίκτυα, 8 Μαΐου 2007.

B.Psarianos, S.Palaskas, N.Stamatiadis. Greek Guidelines for Setting Speed Limits.RSS 2007.

Β.Ψαριανός. Οι Νέοι Γερμανικοί Κανονισμοί Μελετών Αυτοκινητοδρόμων RAA 2008. Μία Νέα Προσέγγιση και Φιλοσοφία στις Μελέτες Αυτοκινητοδρόμων. Εφαρμογή στον ΒΟΑΚ. Ημερίδα Οδικής Ασφάλειας, ΤΕΕ/ΤΑΚ, Ηράκλειο 2.7.2008

C. Antoniou, M. Ben-Akiva, and H. N. Koutsopoulos. Non-linear Kalman Filtering Algorithms for On-line Calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, Page(s):661 - 670, Dec. 2007 (abstract)

G. Yannis, C. Antoniou and E. Papadimitriou. Road casualties and enforcement:  Distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data. Traffic Injury Prevention, 8:3, pp. 300 - 308, 2007. (abstract)

C. Antoniou, E. Matsoukis, and P. Roussi. A methodology for the estimation of value-of-time using state-of-the-art econometric models. Journal of Public Transportation, Volume 10, No. 3, pp. 1-20, 2007.

G. Yannis and C. Antoniou. Sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers' behavior towards enforcement for road safety. European Transport/Europei Transporti, No. 37, 2007. (abstract)

G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, and C. Antoniou. Multilevel modeling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39, pp. 818-825, 2007. (abstract)

A. Tsirimpa, A. Polydoropoulou, and C. Antoniou. Development of a Mixed MNL Model to Capture Commuters’ Response to Travel Information. Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal, 11(2):1-11, 2007. (abstract)


N.Stamatiadis, B.Psarianos (eds). International Perspectives on Urban Street Design. Proceedings of the Context-Sensitive Design Workshop. Transportation Research Circular Number E-C097, July 2006.

Β.Ψαριανός. Διαχείριση Τροχαίου Ατυχήματος. Η Διεθνής Εμπειρία. Οδική Ασφάλεια και ΕΚΑΒ. Μετά το Ατύχημα Τι;, Αθήνα 28.9.2006.

Β.Ψαριανός. Άμεσα Μέτρα Οδικής Ασφάλειας. ΕΝΑΕ 2006

Β.Ψαριανός. Σύγχρονες Τάσεις και Προβληματισμός για τα Όρια Ταχύτητας. Λαμία 2.10.2006.

P.Vythoulkas, B.Psarianos, P.Chorianopoulos, E.Kasapi. Speed limits: planning perspectives and drivers' attitudes in Greece. 1st International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, TRB Freeway Operation Committee, Athens, 2006.

Β.Ψαριανός, Ι.Πρέσβελος. Οδικό Δίκτυο: Το Κρυφό Κτηματολόγιο. 2ο Συνέδριο Πανελληνίου Συλλόγου Αγρονόμων και Τοπογράφων Μηχανικών, Αθήνα, 8-9 Δεκεμβρίου 2006.

G. Yannis, J. Golias, and C. Antoniou. Effects of Urban Delivery Restrictions on Traffic Movements. Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 295-311, August 2006 (abstract)

C. Antoniou and H. N. Koutsopoulos. Estimation of Traffic Dynamics Models with Machine Learning Methods. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1965, pp. 103-111, Washington D.C., 2006. (abstract)

D. Tsamboulas and C. Antoniou. Allocating integrated fare revenue to multiple public transit operators. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1986, pp. 29-37, Washington D.C., 2006. (abstract)

C. Antoniou, M. Ben-Akiva, and H. N. Koutsopoulos. Dynamic Traffic Demand Prediction Using Conventional and Emerging Data Sources. IEE Proceedings Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 153, No. 1, pp. 97-104, March 2006. (abstract)


B.Psarianos. An International Experience on the Safety Performance of 2+1 cross-section. La Sicurezza Stradale nell’ Adeguamento della Viabilita Esistente, Catania, 2.12.2005. 

C. Antoniou, M. Ben-Akiva, and H. N. Koutsopoulos. On-Line Calibration of Traffic Prediction Models. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1934, pp. 235-245, Washington D.C., 2005. (abstract)

G. Yannis and C. Antoniou. Integration of Weigh-in-Motion Technologies in Road Infrastructure Management. Journal of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 75(1), pp. 39-43, January 2005. (abstract)


Basil Psarianos. Actual Issues about Road Safety, EU Policies, Perspectives and Advanced Approaches of Research. Second SIIV Summer School, Titignano - Orvieto, Italy, September 6-10, 2004  (slides)

Β.Ψαριανός. Μελέτη- Κατασκευή- Λειτουργία και Συντήρηση της Συγκοινωνιακής Υποδομής. Νέα Πεδία και Δεδομένα της Δραστηριότητας του ΑΤΜ. Συνέδριο ΠΣΔΑΤΜ, 2004.

C. Antoniou, M. Ben-Akiva, and H. N. Koutsopoulos. Incorporating Automated Vehicle Identification data into Origin-Destination Estimation. Transportation Research Record 1882, pp 37-44, Washington D.C., 2004. (abstract)


B.Psarianos. European Arterial Speed Control Measures. 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2002.

J. Golias, C. Antoniou and G. Yannis. A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems. Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, July-December 2002. (abstract)

J. Golias, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou. A classification of driver assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency. Transport Reviews, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 179-196, 2002. (abstract)


B.Psarianos. The Role of Non-geodetic Professional Expertise of a University Educated Surveyor in an Emerging Ambiguous and Unsafe Future of the Profession. FIG-Working Week: Seoul, Korea, 6-11.5.2001. (paper)

J. Golias, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou. Impact of advanced driver assistance systems on urban traffic network conditions.European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, special issue on advanced vehicle control and safety systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 277-289, 2001. (abstract)


Λογισμικό διαχείρισης, οργάνωσης και αξιολόγησης σήμανσης (Prelude)

Laboratory of Transportation Engineering - Εργαστήριο Συγκοινωνιακής Τεχνικής - webmaster: antoniou_at_central.ntua.gr