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DRO: "DUDA Road Operator"

DUDA's detector is another method of classification, which uses four masks to convolve images, and to assign a score to each pixel.

A score function calculates

The score functions are calculated for the four masks, the central pixel a2 takes the maximum value.


Figure 9: The 4 masks of DUDA's roads detector

     Horizontal            Right Diagonal             Vertical                 Left Diagonal

The score function is given by the following expression [M. A. Fischler, 1981]:

\begin{displaymath}Score= \frac{G(\vert a_1- a_2\vert)\times G(\vert a_2- a_3\vert)}{\sum^3_{i= 1}F(a_i- b_i)+ F(a_i- c_i)}\end{displaymath}

This detector is sensitive:

It detects also the profiles of ``step'' type and causes a significant number of false detections. The result is however much less disturbed than in the case of a ``Top hat'' detector.

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