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Contextual Grouping

In his article, T LIANGHU [Lianghu, 1992] presents a contextual method which simulates a visual perception, by using attributes of form, length and narrowness, as well as multispectral information.

He points out that most simple operators are sensitive to noise and work only on images with one spectral band. In such images, it is frequent to see the lineaments merging with their environment, whereas multispectral images make it possible to distinguish from the differences in albedo according to the wavelength.

Note that the albedo also called ``reflectivity'' is the ratio of the outgoing solar radiation reflected by an object to the incoming solar radiation incident upon it.

The combination of multispectral information and information space, contextual, improves quality of the extraction. The process is the following:

Lineaments are mostly identified in a good way, but often strongly fragmented. This is due to the following phenomena:

This process shows the utility of the multispectral data, but the selection of the pixels belonging to the lineaments is only very partial.

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