of the Classes

It seems necessary to introduce the expert knowledge about the localization
of the searched classes in special contexts, and specially when the remote
sensed image is taken over a heterogeneous region as the Palni hills.
These contexts must be based on accessible data sources such as elevation,
slope, types of soils, human made structures (roads, urban areas) or natural
structures (rivers). This knowledge may be assumed more or less complex.
For example:
- The knowledge "elevation always higher
than 1000m" is very simple to manage. When you have a digital
elevation model for each isolated pixel in the image you are able to compute
immediately a degree of realization of the corresponding knowledge and
in fact this degree has only two possible values ("realized",
"not realized") as the context is a completely realized or absolutely
not realized function of the elevation.
This degree may be computed whatever are the neighbouring pixels! In our
approach we call this type of knowledge "pointwise
- The knowledge "often elongated regions
located in large valleys" is more complex. In fact we have
to manage with homogeneous regions in relation with another "object"
(here a large valley).
The problem here is that we cannot manage with regions as we have not yet
classified the image and moreover the knowledge is not certain (the expert
says "often" ) which means that other contexts are acceptable
(even if less probable) and imprecise information may be present (here
"large" valleys). In our approach we call this type of knowledge
"structural knowledge". This
type of knowledge is actually under evaluation.
In our example we shall take into account the first type of knowledge
("pointwise" knowledge)