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Suppose that a source s must assess with what degree it is possible, in its opinion, that a pixel belongs to a set of three classes.


We get $\sum_{c=1}^3 d_s^c(x) = 1.5$.

[Zahzah, 1992] proposed to evaluate this uncertainty $\theta$ by the distance between the class which is considered to be the most plausible for pixel x, and all the other classes. This distance is likened to the degree of confusion between the classes which are possible for this pixel.

Two situations can be considered:

If the source indicates:

then there is no confusion. The source came down clearly in favour of a single class, and there is no uncertainty. In this case, uncertainty $m(\theta)$ is set to 0 as the source is sure of its choice.

At the opposite, we can be in a situation of high confusion. The source ignores which class must be given more importance and then assigns close degrees( $d_s^1(x) \approx d_s^2(x) \approx d_s^3(x)$) to each class. In this case, confusion is very high. To express this confusion, a large part of the mass of evidence is assigned to $m(\theta)$.

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