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Properties of $\alpha $-Cuts

When we build an $\alpha $-cut $A_\alpha$ of fuzzy subset A, we can say that $\alpha $ represents the threshold from which the concept of membership, although relative in the definition of A, is regarded as sufficient to build its approximate subset $A_\alpha$.

The more demanding we are about the concept of membership, the more this threshold is raised, and the fewer elements of $\Omega$ satisfy the membership criteria. The $\alpha $-cuts of A are nonfuzzy parts of $\Omega$ , encapsulated with respect to the value of $\alpha $, i.e. if $\alpha^\prime \geqslant \alpha$, then $A_{\alpha^\prime } \subseteq A_\alpha$.


Figure 23: Example of $\alpha $-cuts associated with fuzzy subset A.


Operations on fuzzy sets are compatible with the classical operations of crisp sets.

Thus, for all A and B of $\mathcal{F}(\omega)$ and for all $\alpha $ of [0, 1], performing the fuzzy intersection or union of A and B, and then constructing $\alpha $-cuts, is equivalent to seeking the $\alpha $-cuts of A and B and then performing their classical intersection or union:

If level $\alpha = 0$ is selected, then $A_\alpha = \Omega$. If level $\alpha = 1$ is selected, then $A_\alpha$ is the kernel of A, which could be empty.

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