The Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the National Technical
University of Athens was established in November 1987, having as its main task to serve
research and educational needs in the fields of Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing
and their applications: in Observing and Monitoring our planet, in Integrated Surveys of
the Natural and Socioeconomic Environment and in the Development of Integrated Cadastral
Land Information Systems. The specific aims of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing are:
To meet the educational and research needs (both at the
undergraduate and graduate levels) of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering in
general and special topics of Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing and their
contribution to the foundation of Land Information Systems, as infrastructure for
Development, Monitoring of the Environment and Land Policy.
To develop methods and techniques in the relevant
scientific fields.
To conduct, administrate and coordinate relevant research
To promote cooperation at the scientific, educational,
research etc. levels with research centers, academic institutions and scientific/technical
and social organizations, in Greece and abroad, as long as their scientific targets
coincide, are similar or complementary with those of the Laboratory, in a spirit of
mutuality, integrated interdisciplinary approach and collective work.
To develop the theoretical scientific/technical, as well
as technological infrastructure for the continuing improvement of relevant education and
training methods and techniques.
To develop interdisciplinary postgraduate study programs
in Photo-Interpretation, Remote Sensing, Environment and Development.
To organize seminars, symposia, conferences, lectures,
continuing education courses for engineers and other scientists.
To cooperate with relevant public agencies and social
organizations (municipalities, communities etc.) and support their development projects
using Photo-Interpretation, Remote Sensing and Integrated Surveys methods and techniques.
To familiarize engineers and other scientists with
Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing topics and applications.
To create a special library and archives of aerial
photographs and other remotely sensed images of Greece from space and other airborne
platforms, which will be used for research purposes.
To develop, independently, or in cooperation with other
research, academic and scientific organizations, systems, methods and applications: a) for
Natural and Human Resources Inventories of our country, b) for Land Use Inventories
Monitoring and Mapping c) for the contribution of Remote Sensing to the creation of
Integrated Cadastral Land Information Systems d) for the elaboration of Integrated Surveys
To cooperate with the National Remote Sensing Centers and
the agencies of acquisition of Space Remote Sensing Imagery.
The main policy of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the
N.T.U.A. is to investigate the objective possibilities, limitations and constraints of the
analog and digital Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing methodologies and techniques,
in order to establish optimization parameters in specific integrated applications.