Εκπαίδευση - Σεμινάρια

LARIS Center (Federal Land Cadastral Service - Center for Land Reform Implementation Support Project)
"Land Cadastre & Registration of Rights"
SRSE - NTUA: 12th-19th October 2003

NTUA & Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG)
"GIS: Evolution and applications within Hellas"
TCG: 29th May - 28th July 2000

NTUA & Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG)
"GIS emphasizing on applications within Hellas"
TCG: 1st February- 17th May 1999

NTUA & Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber
"Cadastre & LIS"
Limassol, Cyprus: 3rd - 6th February 1999

Cadastre - Cadastre & LIS - Real Estate Valuation & Land Management - Master Theses

Real Estate Valuation & Development/Exploitation (GEOINFORMATICS) - Postgraduate Theses - Seminars

Updated: 20.07.2009