and Advantages

Finally, the adaptive fusion applied at pixel level, presents many disadvantages:
- a complexity in
due to the processes to determine the degree of conflict h between
the sources;
- a discontinuity of the behaviour
of the operator when occurs a transition between a case where the intersection between the distributions is null and a case where intersection is not null;
- it is not an associative operator:
the order of the sources is important if the fusion is carried out by set
of two sources, this is not the case with the fusion of all the sources;
- a bad management of the conflict:
- conjunctive fusion if all the sources agree,
- disjunctive fusion otherwise;
- A lot of use of disjunctive fusion because the conflict is badly managed.
The few advantages of this
fusion do not compensate the previous disadvantages:
- use of conjunctive or disjunctive fusions following the degree of agreement
between the sources (unanimity reached or not);
- low running time because the operator used are low processing time
(min, max, comparison).