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Bayes' Rule Implementation

Our aim is to find, as often as possible, the true class of each pixel. The cost of an error is the same for each error. There is no cost when the class of assignment is the same than the class of membership.

Let T be the matrix of costs whose lines correspond to the true classes and columns with the classes of assignment chosen by the system.


The corresponding matrix of costs is then the following matrix (table 13) :


Table 13: Matrix of costs

Class of assignment


C1 C2 C3 ... Cq
C1 0  1 1 ... 1
C2 1  0 1 ... 1
C3 1  1 0 ... 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
Cq 1  1 1 ... 0

Let us take an example with two classes C1 and C2, and three sources of information S1, S2 and S3. The matrix of the probabilities defined by each source Si for the membership of an object to each class is presented in the table 14.


Table 14: Matrix of probabilities attributed by each source for the membership of an object to each class.

P(Ci , d)
S1 S2 S3
C1 0.12 0.18 0.30
C2 0.20 0.16 0.04

For source S1, it is more probable that

Bayes' rule thus attributes, for source S1, all the probability with class C2. Table 15 presents the weights corresponding to the measurements of probability attributed by each source.


Table 15: Matrix of weights.

F(l'|d Sources

of assignment

S1 S2 S3
C1 0 1 1
C2 1 0 0

The probability P(l,l') of having classified the pixel in class l' , whereas its true class of membership is l, is calculated starting from tables 14 and 15 in the following way:

\begin{displaymath}P(l,l') = \sum_{d \in \mathcal{D}} P(l,d) \cdot f(l'\vert d)\end{displaymath}

In our example, the probability P(C1,C1) to assign the pixel in the class C1 which it really belongs is of $(0.12 \times 0) + (0.18 \times 1) + (0.30 \times 1) = 0.48$.

Moreover, the probability P(C1,C2) to be in error by assigning the pixel to the class C2 whereas it belongs to the class C1 is $(0.12 \times 1) + (0.18 \times 0) + (0.30 \times 0) = 0.12$.

In a similar way, P(C2,C1)=0.20 and P(C2,C2)=0.20 are obtained. These values are included in table 16.


Table 16: Errors of assignment.

Class of assignment

C1 C2
C1 0.12(0)+0.18(1)+0.30(1) = 0.48 0.12(1)+0.18(0)+0.30(0) = 0.12
C2 0.20(0)+0.16(1)+0.04(1) = 0.20 0.20(1)+0.16(0)+0.04(0) = 0.20

The rule of optimal decision becomes, for a measure d, provided for the pixel in process:

\begin{displaymath}f(l'\vert d)=0 \text{ si } \sum_{l \in \mathcal{C}} t(l,l') \ \mathcal{C}} \sum_{l \in \mathcal{C}} t(l,l'') \cdot P(l,d)\end{displaymath}

The probability is thus divided between the classes l' which maximize $\sum_{l \in \mathcal{C}} t(l,l') \cdot P(l,d)$.

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