In this network, each circle represents an influencing input
factor. Each box represents an attribute that might be influenced by factors
or other attributes. The arrows show the dependence from causes to effects.
What the state of each attribute is, depends on the states of the factors
or attributes that influence it. Certain combinations of states of
the influencing factors and/or attributes may lead to one or another state.
For example, we may say: "If the risk of erosion is low and there is no
limitation to regeneration potential, the risk to desertification is low."
We can see immediately that the factors and attributes that appear in this
diagram have to be endowed with lists of possible states:
States of Slope: gentle, average, steep
States of Rock Type: permeable, semi-permeable, impermeable
States of Soil Depth: bare, shallow, deep
States of Aspect: south, west/east, north
States of Animal Grazing: slightly, moderately, heavily grazed
States of Erosion: low, medium, high
States of Regeneration Potential : low, medium, high
States of Desertification: no/slight, low, medium, high, very high
An expert then can give us a list of rules that express which combinations
of states of causes lead to which state of an effect. An example rule is
the one mentioned earlier about the dependence of risk to desertification
on the risk to erosion and on regeneration potential. Another example rule
is:"If the state of Rock Permeability is `permeable' and the state of Soil
Depth is `shallow' and the state of Slope is `average' then the state of
erosion is `medium'."
The expert may supply us with lots of such rules covering all possible
combinations of states of causes leading to all possible states of the effects.
Using these rules to draw conclusions constitutes a "rule-based reasoning
system". Most Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are rule-based.