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Fast Algorithm

We present an efficient algorithm [4] to compute the membership function tex2html_wrap_inline1402 . Practically the generalized modus ponens is computed for each element u of the universe U and for each element v of the universe V that needs much computation time and memory space. In effect, it needs a discretisation of fuzzy sets on the universe U and V and computation of a Cartesian product and a projection.

So, this algorithm uses properties based on cores and supports of fuzzy sets involved in the generalized modus ponens to provide the final fuzzy set with a parametric computation that needs a couple of simple operations (figure 5). It uses only the five parameters of the representation of fuzzy sets (figure 3.1).

Assume the membership functions of the fuzzy sets A, tex2html_wrap_inline1358 , B and tex2html_wrap_inline1366 defined by:


This algorithm is based on the following general properties of the implication of Brouwer-Gödel:

Assume tex2html_wrap_inline1462 and tex2html_wrap_inline1464 , two real numbers in the interval [0,1] characterizing the previous properties defined with the 2 fuzzy sets A and tex2html_wrap_inline1358 by:



tex2html_wrap_inline1462 and tex2html_wrap_inline1464 are computed with intersections of segments of the lines of cores and supports based on the five parameters of fuzzy sets A and tex2html_wrap_inline1358 . For example, in the figure 5, tex2html_wrap_inline1462 and tex2html_wrap_inline1464 are evaluated by:


The fast algorithm called GMP is defined by tex2html_wrap_inline1486 and this body is:


    ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline1488


    If tex2html_wrap_inline1426 Then

      ¯ tex2html_wrap_inline1494

    Else if tex2html_wrap_inline1496 Then

        tex2html_wrap_inline1498 (total uncertainty)

      Else if tex2html_wrap_inline1500 Then


        Else if tex2html_wrap_inline1504 Then





The computation of tex2html_wrap_inline1462 and tex2html_wrap_inline1464 can be integrated in the previous fast algorithm then denoted tex2html_wrap_inline1514

Figure 5: Parametric computation.


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