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Linguistic Variables

Linguistic terms have been defined as general as possible, but it is possible to precise theirs membership function parameters to provide more accuracy in the solution map. Distance is based on geographic data but Dynamic and Forest_Growing are symbolic and defined in an interval ranging from 0 to 100 (see table 1).

Table 1: Definition of the linguistic variables.

Universe 0 2000 20 -
very_little 0 0 20 50
little 0 0 50 100
middle 0 200 400 600
big 200 400 800 1000
very_big 800 1000 2000 2000

(a) Distance

Universe 0 100 1 -
Impossible 0 0 0 0
very_little 0 0 20 50
little 10 20 40 50
middle 30 40 60 70
big 50 60 80 90
very_big 70 80 100 100

(b) Dynamic - Forest_Growing


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