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Construction of Groups Ki of Sources

The sources used so far (spectral bands and out-image data on the geography of the area) are globally of identical reliability. Nevertheless the rate of confusion between the classes remains very high. Some classes are better recognized by certain sources than by others. However, it is difficult to determine if a source is clearly more reliable than another.

We thus used another source of information, highly reliable, to be able to implement and to test fusion by priority. This additional source is the result of the classification carried out by a neural network.

Mascarilla [Mascarilla, 1996] [Mascarilla and Desachy, 1996] defined a neural method to determine in an automatic way the most favorable context of each class. The phase of training of the neural network consists in applying rules, describing the geographical context of each class, to a set of representative samples.

The network provides the ``ideal'' card of distribution of the classes in the image, according to the geography of the area.


Table 37: Theoretical image of the ``ideal'' distribution of the classes.

Rates of classification obtained
$\mbox{\ }$Class Number of pixels  

correctly classified


Number of pixels

in samples     


Rate of pixels    

correctly classified


       1 458 459 99.78%
       2 441 459 96.08%
       3 296 306 96.73%
       4 377 391 96.42%
       5 365 459 79.52%
       6 420 459 91.50%
       7 459 459 100.00%
       8 459 459 100.00%
       9 459 459 100.00%
TOTAL 3734 3910 95.50%

Table 37 presents the ``ideal'' card of distribution of the classes in the image, according to the rules calculated by Mascarilla. The rates of correct classification are very good for each class, however this classification is too ``artificial'' as it does not take account of the real distributions of each class in the image. The information of the spectral bands makes it possible to add real information to this theoretical card.

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