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Application of the Rule

We used the additional source ``card of the favourable areas'', highly reliable, to set up group K1. The other images (spectral bands) are sources less reliable than the preceding one. This is why we choose to gather them in group K2.

Before performing the fusion of information of the groups K1 and K2, it is essential to perform a fusion of the sources composing each group, in order to obtain a single possibility distribution for each group. As group K1 is only composed of one source (the card of the favorable zones), no fusion is necessary for this group. On the other hand the group K2 gathers several sources (four spectral bands). The fusion of the information provided by these sources must be performed to obtain a single possibility distribution for the group K2. Quantified adaptive fusion has been chosen as it produces the most interesting results.

We consider now the phase of fusion of the possibility distributions of the groups K1 and K2. At this level, it is necessary for us to solve the problem of the calculation of the height of the intersection between the distributions $\pi_{k_1}$ and $\pi_{k_2}$. As in the preceding cases, and for the same reasons, we propose to calculate this degree locally to each pixel, but globally for each class. So:

\begin{displaymath}h(\pi_{K_1}(x), \pi_{K_2}(x)) =\max_{c=1,p}(\min(\pi_{K_1}^c(x),\pi_{K_2}^c(x)))\end{displaymath}



Table 38: Fusion by priority of groups K1 (``card of the areas favourables to each class'') and K2 (the 4 spectral bands MSS4 to MSS7).

Rates of classification obtained
$\mbox{\ }$Class Number of pixels  

correctly classified


Number of pixels

in samples     


Rate of pixels    

correctly classified


       1 430 459 93.68%
       2 406 459 88.45%
       3 295 306 96.41%
       4 368 391 94.12%
       5 378 459 82.35%
       6 430 459 93.68%
       7 440 459 95.86%
       8 448 459 97.60%
       9 443 459 96.51%
TOTAL 3638 3910 93.04%

Fusion by priority of the groups K1 and K2 (definite above) leads to a good result with an average of 93.04% of the pixels of the samples correctly classified. Additional information ``card of the favourable zones'', highly reliable, was correctly put forward, compared to the other sources. But the spectral information contained in the spectral bands played a significant role of refinement of information.

The image obtained (table 38) presents an aspect more disturbed than the image of the theoretical distribution ``ideal'' of each class (table 37). This disturbed image is much closer to the physical reality presented by the information of the image LANDSAT than the ``ideal'' card calculated.

Classes 1 (low forest sempervirente) and 4 (semi-deciduous forest or dry deciduous), over-represented on the ``idea'' card, yielded their place mainly to class 6 (mosaic of shrubby savanna and reforestations).

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