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Considering rice-growing, the following conditions are assumed:

These premises do not have the same importance:

Production rule for rice-growing could then be expressed as follows:

    if area favourable to rice-growing

      then always close to hydrographic network

      and principally altitude lower than 300 meters   

      and only near to roads.


Each of the nine classes of vegetation of the area of Palni has its own production rule: table 1.


Table 1: Premises of each of the nine classes.



            Production rule

   1 Low forest sempervirente
 Only altitude higher than 1850 m. and tops of crests
 or bottoms of  valleys.

   2 Wet dense forest semi-deciduous
 Only altitude between 900 and 1700 m. and plateau

   3 Vallicole forest semi-deciduous
 Mainly altitude between 500 and 1000 m. and plateau  area.

   4 Semi-deciduous forest or dry deciduous
 Only altitude between 900 and 1800 m. and slopes of
 unspecified  orientation, but abrupt (80%).

   5 Wooded Savanna
 Mainly altitude between 1000 and 1600 m. and
 medium slopes or tops crests.

   6 Mosaic of savanna shrubby and deforestations
 Only altitude higher than 1800 m. and plateau area.

   7 Irrigated Cultures
 Only altitude lower than 300 m. and irrigable area.

   8 Dry cultures
 Only altitude lower than 300 m. and close to roads.

   9 Discontinuous thickets and pseudo-steppe
 Mainly altitude lower than 300 m. and close to roads.

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